two black women

“And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name.”

Genesis 2:19

My curiosity about the significance which we attach to names and how scriptures offer (Read Genesis 2:19-20; 3:20) compelling perspectives on the origin of naming not only humans but also animals have raised my awareness about how humans should be intentional about creating their reality. But how? 
There are various ways but it takes a process-

  • The first step is to have a sense of self identityEvery human must genuinely answer these questions:
    • Who am I?
  • The next step is to answer the question:
    • Where did l come from?
    • What am l here for?
  • Following that is:
    • Who can l become?
  • Finally, you must have a clear answer to:
    • Where am l going upon my exit from this earth?

After you have satisfied yourself that the answers you provided or the conclusions that you arrived at following this self discovery process, which oftentimes is a long journey of self reflection, you should be well connected with yourself.

In my personal and professional experience as a School Guidance Counselor, Spiritual Counselor and Life Coach, I have discovered a lot of people are self disconnect . It seems like such people are “afraid” to discover their real self and would rather bewho they have grown to become, how they like to be 
perceived or the mold they have fitted into over the years. Some crave other people’s attention, affirmation and or accolade. They focus more on the external rather than the internalThey fail to realize that life must be lived InsideOut not OutsideIn

Scriptures provide both insights and names for such people. Read Matthew 23:25-28.
 Self connection is the outcome of self reflection, self discovery and self awareness which leads to self mastery. 

Self mastery results from a healthy sense of identity which in turn reflects positively on everything that you do or say. 

What we do at Connect Coaching Center is to assist you: 

  1. Assess your presenting condition 
  2. Discover beliefs and behaviors that are sabotaging your progress. 
  3. Empower you to acquire new behaviors that drive the results you want. 
  4.  Regain freedom and, have a 
  5. Have a happier outlook to life. 

You can sign up for a free 20 minutes exploratory session here or send an email to:

Register here for the FREE WEBINAR EmpowerHER: Unleashing the Power of Self Awareness, on
Saturday February 17, 2023 at 12 noon EST/6:00 pm WAT/UK. 

Attendance is free but you must register. 

You deserve to be happy!