Oh, how I love Jesus
Oh, how I love Jesus
Oh, how I love Jesus
Because, He first loved me

By Hannah Oyebanjo.

A heart of worship is a gracious heart that understands the depth of God and His infinite purpose for creation. It’s a heart absolutely sold outto God without any consideration whatsoever for physical circumstances and conditions. A heart of worship defies sex, status, prestige etc. as both the seemingly poor and the rich can display this treasure. Man was created to worship. Show me a worshiper and I will show you the in-dwelling tabernacle of Jehovah God!

A heart of worship sees God at work in every and all instances. Doubts and fears may surround, but a heart of worship blazes through them all, bursting into ecstatic magnification of ‘The One Whose Name is Love’.

The heart of worship is enmeshed in praise, enwrapped in thanksgiving. This heart bows and trembles always, before the Lord and Maker when and when not in need. It’s a lifestyle, a default programming for Worship. Free flow of worshippers’ tears, arms raised in the beauty of holiness, knees bowed to the soon-coming King, crowns cast to the Ruler of the universe Who never makes mistakes and Who is never too late in all endeavors.

A heart of worship sees the full hand of God in all circumstances. God will show up and surely, He does. Should He choose not to show in His ultimate wisdom, worship is ceaseless!

The pathway of the Heart of Worship permeates the physical to outer and stronger realms where God is enthroned. This is where He divinely channels and directs all affairs of life without questioning. The heart of worship crowns Him Who reigns over and over, for the more of Him he crowns, the more of Him he discovers to yet be crowned!

Endless praise of Jesus the Son of the Living God is the flow from a heart of worship. This action transcends the visible and the known. For this reason of mortal incomprehensibility, some unwise people think such display and outlandish lavish of love is uncalled for. Alas! who is wise, but the possessor of A Heart of Worship?

And so, she had long thought about His sincere care and love. What manner of love and man is this she long considered? What shall I render and what can I possibly do to show a little of my gratitude ‘she mused’. An unscripted idea warmed up her tender heart. This would seem crazy to men but then who cares? Where were ‘men’ in the darkest point of my life ‘she whispered’. And so, she washed His feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair! What glory have I than in Him? Who could have helped to clean all my mess other than Him, whose blood was shed for a renewed me ‘she muttered’. Transformed, translated and equipped to reign with Him someday in an exquisite estate, prepared by Him whose name is more than beautiful, whose glory is un-searchable. A pure Heart of Worship. Everything else on this side of eternity will be corrupted. They will fizzle out like vapour, but A heart of Worship is eternal. It is the golden chariot of great grace upon which the wise rides to experience His in-explainable splendor. All things may fail, but a heart of worship never fails.

Oh Lord, we pray that you endow us with this pure, selfless and immortal heart of worship, flowing from our redeemed souls, daily touching the very throne of Your Majesty, provoking Your release of greater grace for the race of life we run. Amen