For the month of November my inspiration is strangely a Yoruba word: “AGBANILAGBATAN”
It means “the One who is able to save unto the utmost” or “the One who is able to save completely”

I found this not only comforting and encouraging, I feel empowered to face whatever challenge that might come my way this month knowing I have solidly behind me “The One who is able to save me as well as deliver me from all evils.”

“Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.”
Hebrews 7:25 NKJV

The Word of God always provides the needed guidelines to live successfully. . . The passage above provides the following:

📌God is ABLE to save us completely.
📌But we must come to Him to seek help.
📌We must come to Him through Jesus Christ.
📌JESUS Himself makes intercession for us at all times.

So, the question is not will God or Is God able to save and deliver? The question is, will you go to Him? And will you go to Him on His terms or yours?

Jesus is the ONLY acceptable mediator between men & God and He is the only One by whom men can be saved. Acts 4:12

As we start this new month, be encouraged by the fact that you have a sure anchor in your Heavenly Father. Daily commit your ways to Him, don’t wait till you’re faced with a challenge.

Happy new month to you!
May AGBANILAGBATAN save you and I not only this month but unto the utmost. Amen.

If you have questions, please send me an email at: and, to register for the upcoming Authentic You Coaching Program, here’s the link: