Day 13

April 13, 2021 #30-day Challenge

Exactly what does Abundant life mean to YOU? You need to write it down and that will be our prayer focus tonight. Jesus while on earth used different approaches while solving people’s problems. In some instances He commanded, at other times He rebuked while at some instances He asked what people wanted:  “When Jesus heard […]

Day 12

April 12, 2021 #30-day Challenge

Today we want to demolish the spirit of GREED. Greed is a spiritual disease of the heart affecting all areas of a person’s life; an “intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power or food.” 1 Timothy 6:10 Money, fame, food, attention and all the things that greed chases after are not evil in […]

Day 11

April 11, 2021 #30-day Challenge

What is referred to as STRONGHOLDS are negative or false conditions or patterns which we create in our mind, and having held on to them for long inside our mind they become firmly rooted. The Bible teaches us to cast such strongholds down. A good example is PRIDE!  Pride is a feeling of superiority over […]

Day 10

April 10, 2021 #30-day Challenge

Regret is a feeling of sadness, repentance or disappointment over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity). Regret empowers Satan to get inside the victim mentally (2 Corinthians 10:3-5), keeping people under it’s captivity joyless, sad and miserable. That is not the abundant life that Christ died to give […]

Day 9

April 09, 2021 #30-day Challenge

Today we are casting down the stronghold of Anxiety & Worry so as to unlock abundant life. Anxiety and worries result from uncertainty which essentially is distrust with the plan of God. The possible causes of anxiety and fear are many: conflict, health problems, dangerous situations, death, unmet needs,spiritual problems, false beliefs, etc. Although , […]

Day 8

April 08, 2021 #30-day Challenge

Today we are breaking the STRONGHOLD OF FEAR in order to unlock our abundance. FEAR is an emotion that God programmed into all animals and people.There’s good fear and a tormenting fear. To fear God is good because it refers to a sense of reverence, awe and submission to God.   But, the Bible teaches that […]

Day 7

April 07, 2021 #30-day Challenge

Because stronghold is part of warfare terminology, from the standpoint of Ephesians 6: 10-13, we must understand that Satan and his cohorts must have a  foothold in order to establish a stronghold in our souls in order to afflict us.  Unforgiveness, bitterness (long held unforgiveness) and resentment gives Satan a foothold in our thought life […]

Day 6

April 06, 2021 #30-day Challenge

Another hindrance to ABUNDANCE are Strongholds. “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every […]

Day 5

April 05, 2021 #30-day Challenge

Tonight, God is directing our attention to our heart circumcision.  The token of the covenant which God cut with Abraham is the circumcision of all his male children and descendants. He obeyed. Genesis 17:1-10. That covenant was annulled with the arrival of Christ, He became the mediator of the new covenant by His blood. 1 […]

Day 4

April 04, 2021 #30-day Challenge

Scriptures remind us that the contents of the Bible are written for our guidance as examples, correction, direction and instruction in righteousness etc  Who is a good Biblical example of a man of abundance? Abraham definitely. Read Genesis 24:1 What was the basis of his unusual trans generational blessings? Could his covenant relationship with God […]