“Back at Horeb, God, our God, spoke to us: “You’ve stayed long enough at this mountain. On your way now. Get moving. . . “

Message Bible.

I reflected briefly on my choice of the title for this blog – “going forward” or “go forward.”  What decided my choice was the realization that most people react better to encouragement than to instruction. Where do you belong? Personally, both work for me!

Going forward reminds you to not relent, give up or lose momentum. John Maxwell says “everything worthwhile is uphill.” This means you cannot forge ahead with downhill habits! Nobody ever gets to the top accidentally!

This week, what downhill habits must you get rid of in order to go forward? Procrastination? Overeating? Mismanagement of precious time? Impulsive spending? Whatever it is, remember it is a new day, a new week with endless opportunities before you to make a difference at this moment! 

Be intentional. Substitute good intentions with good actions. Stop talking about what you want to do, show what you have done!

Happy new week!