Day 1

April 01, 2021 #30-day Challenge

Unlocking Abundance, 30 Day Challenge! Abundance is our covenant privilege as God’s children.  Genesis 1:28-30Deuteronomy 8:183 John 2 So, why are God’s children in want or impoverished?  We want to start breaking barriers to our abundance through insights  provided by the word of God. By renewing our minds through these insights, living it and praying, […]

A Charitable Cause – Lepers Colony

March 31, 2021 #Charity, Uncategorized

Update On December 16, 2021, the Founder of Adebimpe Daniel-Ishola Foundation and her team visited the Leper’s Colony along Ogbomosho/Ilorin Road, in Oyo State, Nigeria. It was an exciting but emotional moment. Read more about it at this link: Friends and family, kindly join me to actualize a cause that is the focus of […]

A Note to My Younger Self

March 31, 2021 #Self Development

This title does not in any way suggest that I have finally given up on being youthful. Well, what cannot be denied is that, before turning 60 (which I did on March 29), there are obvious “check engine lights” that flicker all over your body. From the streak of grey that sings victory songs over  […]

Have It All – A 30 Day Challenge!

Every month is unique. Having a theme every month challenge you to be focused, avoid distractions and channel your efforts towards predetermined outcome.  “THEN HE showed me the river whose waters give life, sparkling like crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb Through the middle of the broadway of the […]

Premature Emotional Investment

February 17, 2021 #Self Development

“When you look at someone through rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.” Have you ever found yourself often thinking why you’re with a particular person even when you know they’re not worth your time or effort but you went with it anyway? It is partly because everyone has a need to love […]

Make It Positive

November 17, 2020 #Monday Morning Motivation

Another week is here! Make it a positive experience for yourself and family this week. Create the experience you desire by your confession – For instance you can affirm this throughout this week or have a different affirmation for each day of the week: “This week I choose to rejoice and be glad; everywhere I go […]

Focus or Refocus!

November 12, 2020 #Monday Morning Motivation

We are living in a fast paced world.  A rat race sort of. Everyone appears to be in a hurry “to make it”. Some are so “busy” that they hardly have time to rest until their body can no longer take it and they are compelled to be still for a while for the body […]


November 04, 2020 #Monday Morning Motivation

For the month of November my inspiration is strangely a Yoruba word: “AGBANILAGBATAN”It means “the One who is able to save unto the utmost” or “the One who is able to save completely” I found this not only comforting and encouraging, I feel empowered to face whatever challenge that might come my way this month […]

Cause & Effect

September 29, 2020 #Monday Morning Motivation

Cause and effect is a relationship between events or things, where one (cause) is the result (effect) of the other or others. This is a combination of action and reaction. I observe this relationship almost all the time in all human activities and interactions, whether in business, interpersonal or marital relationships. For example in a […]

The Theology Of Productivity

September 16, 2020 #Spirituality

At church yesterday, during Sunday School, our teacher made reference to an article which he later shared with me. The article describes what is now known as “The Rule of Awkward Silence”. When faced with a challenging question, instead of answering immediately, the rule allows you to pause and think deeply about how you want […]