Cause & Effect

September 29, 2020 #Monday Morning Motivation

Cause and effect is a relationship between events or things, where one (cause) is the result (effect) of the other or others. This is a combination of action and reaction. I observe this relationship almost all the time in all human activities and interactions, whether in business, interpersonal or marital relationships. For example in a […]

The Theology Of Productivity

September 16, 2020 #Spirituality

At church yesterday, during Sunday School, our teacher made reference to an article which he later shared with me. The article describes what is now known as “The Rule of Awkward Silence”. When faced with a challenging question, instead of answering immediately, the rule allows you to pause and think deeply about how you want […]

Leading or Dealing?

August 27, 2020 #Leadership

By Pastor Bimpe Ishola. \Women are experts at dealing with situations or things or people. When a woman rolls her eyes, hisses or spouts, she’s either dealing with a person ( most probably another woman), reporting another person or discussing an issue that she finds offensive or disturbing. A woman’s body language speaks louder than […]

A Heart Of Worship

August 27, 2020 #Spirituality

Oh, how I love JesusOh, how I love JesusOh, how I love JesusBecause, He first loved me By Hannah Oyebanjo. A heart of worship is a gracious heart that understands the depth of God and His infinite purpose for creation. It’s a heart absolutely sold outto God without any consideration whatsoever for physical circumstances and […]

A Mother’s Cry

August 27, 2020 #Motherhood

By Olabisi A. Atinmo (Mrs). Panic that can make you black out. Guilt in unrelenting waves. Fear in dizzying tides. Deluge of anger at myself and my husband for our ignorance. How could we have allowed it to happen? We are both highly educated, how come we did not know? Doubt, even in positive times. […]